Sunday, 23 January 2022

End Game Escape - Disconnected Review (Sydney) [CLOSED]

Hi everyone

Back in April 2021, the “lite” version of my team went and played Disconnected by End Game Escape.  They are based in Frenchs Forest, which is about a 25 minute drive from the Sydney CBD. 

My wife had already played Disconnected with my daughter, cousin and aunty, so I went along with the other 2 members of our usual 4 person team.  Disconnected was our 184th room to date.  Here is the room description, from their website:

 Welcome to The Lab. It belongs to mad scientist Prof Dr Ludwig Von Zweistein. He’s a leading quantum physicist who has gotten stuck inside his electronic mobile phone. For the last two weeks we’ve been trying to get him out and now our circuits are fried. We’re looking for a fresh young group of scientists to rescue the good Doctor. And if you don’t… well it’s not going to look good on your recommendation letters.

Here is what we thought of Disconnected:

  • the room had some nice theming. The room’s storyline made sense and there were some nice videos used in the experience;
  • the room didn’t use any traditional padlocks, but instead largely used magnetic locks that released when players solved the various puzzles;
  • the puzzles were all fun and quite varied.  I don’t think we saw any puzzle types that we hadn’t seen elsewhere, but they all made sense and were fun to solve; and
  • unfortunately, we had some technical difficulties at one point, with video/audio not triggering properly.  This made it even more challenging to solve a particular puzzle (an audio puzzle), but our game master was able to override the system to help us to progress through that puzzle.

I would describe Disconnected as being on the easier side.  We escaped in about half the allowed time (very close to the record for the room).  Given the theming, this room is therefore best-suited I think to newer players and family groups.  For more experienced players, I think the room could do with at least a few more puzzles (but I totally appreciate that their target market is likely newer players).

Where:                         Unit 10/25 Frenchs Forest Road East, Frenchs Forest

Duration:                      60 minutes

Themes:                       1 theme

Price:                           $40 each (3 players)

Overall Rating:             A solid room best suited to newer players/families 

More details:      



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